Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Holidays

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Friday, October 23, 2009


So this year, I'm:
Raising 4 kids
Making a yearbook
Coordinating Chapel
Tutoring after school
Attending Bible studies
Working on portrait commissions
Planning an art show for Jess and I
Managing 2 blogs
Working out at the gym
and pretending to be well rested

Most of these things are non-negotiable
about the only thing that I can put on the chopping-block is "Meatballs and Ravioli"
So I'm guessing that by now (assuming you follow the blog regularly) you will have noticed the drop-off in entries.
So for now (possibly indefinitely) we'll be giving our blog a rest. If you'd like, you check out the other blog ( regular updates and a little art history. Otherwise, we hope to be here by Christmas.
Thanks for reading, and God bless.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Five Senses of Parenting - Part 5: Touch

Things I never thought I’d feel until I became a father of 4:

A finger in the eye
A fire truck striking my temple
A kick in the groin while asleep
A rock-hard head striking my cheek-bone
A severely chewed piece of un-swallowed broccoli
A very, very wet diaper leaking on my lap
Baby barf in my hand
Baby barf on my back
Baby barf on my chest
Baby barf on my shoulder
Cake icing on my head
Cheese sauce in my arm hair
Lego blocks under my bare feet
Pennies covered in saliva
Someone hanging by my chest hair
Someone pulling themselves up on my pit hair
Something fuzzy under the couch
Something pointy under the bed
Something slimy on the table
Something sticky on the railing
Three kids and a dog piled on my back
Toddler barf on my bare feet

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Five Senses of Parenting - Part 4: Taste

Things I never thought I’d taste before I became a father of 4:

Baby drool
Baby Formula (What? I was curious.)
Children’s Tylenol
Cold chicken McNuggets with ketchup
Cold eggs with ketchup
Cold french fries with ketchup
Cold hotdog with ketchup
Cold meatloaf with ketchup
Cold peas with ketchup
Cold, half-eaten cheese burger
Marshmallows covered in marshmallow fluff covered in food dye
Soda with floaters
Soggy graham crackers
Soggy pizza crust
Soggy toast
Soggy Zwiebacks
Strained carrots and beef

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Five Senses of Parenting - Part 3: Smells

Things I never thought I'd smell until I became a father of 4:

A Toddler’s morning breath
Saliva on little fingers
Baby gas
Formula burps
Garlic hummus poopie diapers
Petrified McDonald's fries in my minivan
Poo-poo undies
Sweaty heads
Drool on my shoulder
Breakfast cooking before 6am
Dinner cooking after 7pm
Diapers in my garbage pail
Milk in a glass 48 hours old
Little Stinky feet

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Five Senses of Parenting - Part 2: Sound

Things I never thought I’d hear until I became a father of 4:

The sound of a person’s body falling from their bed
The sound of a person’s body as they fall from the couch
The sound of a person’s body as they fall from a kitchen chair
Grown men and women cheering for someone who pooped on the potty
My own voice saying, “There is no way I had this many toys when I was a kid.”
My wife’s voice saying, “Don’t put the applesauce in your hair.”
A screaming baby at 2:30am
A computer generated asparagus singing “This is My Father’s World”
The same asparagus singing “This is My Father’s World” 27 consecutive times
A baby passing gas louder than me
The sentence: I don’t like french fries
People screeching because they’re happy
A baby crying for a 3½ hour car trip
My wife crying after that same car trip
My daughter telling the cop that pulled me over, “Daddy knows all about the police.”
Someone telling me “He has your butt.”

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Five Senses of Parenting - Part 1: Sight

Things I never thought I’d see before I became a father of 4:

Pennies in my CD player
Marker on my table
Pen on my chairs
Pencil on my banister
Colored pencil on my walls
Orange crayon on my flat-screen TV
Dirty diapers at 1am
Boogers on my lap top
Ribbons on my dog
Milkshake on my dog
Dirty diapers at 2am
Four umbilical cords
Two circumcisions
Dirty diapers at 3am
Throw-up colored by fruit punch
Poop colored by Lucky Charms
Laundry piles that rival the Rockies
Two people about to kill each other over a Lego mermaid
A Disney princess movie marathon
Dirty diapers at 4am
Six laundry hampers filled with stuffed animals
Princess Leia’s severed head